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Association Française pour le Rayonnement du Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm

Les Artistes français et le Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm Gallodier Desprez Monvel Papillon de la Ferté Creutz Dezède Philidor
Louis-Jean Desprez in France 11/2006

Desprez in France (1755-1777)

The Young Desprez's
Years of Apprenticeship
seen against the background
of the wealth of architecture
in France
during the eighteenth century

Gilbert Blin & Rémy-Michel Trotier

- Extract -

Louis-Jean Desprez was born in France in 1743, and died in Sweden two hundred years ago. Gustaf III brought him from Italy to the Swedish court, where he gave him responsibility for the design of scenery for festivities and plays. This French artist’s extensive work during his years in Sweden are, then, mainly documented in relation to his assignments as a stage designer, while his work as an architect – at Drottningholm and Haga, and in Uppsala – is less well understood. Biographies of Desprez maintain, however, that up to 1777, he studied architecture at an academic level during his years of training in France. On the other hand, while his mature period as a stage designer is well documented, mainly thanks to his projects for Drottningholms Slottsteater, people are not particularly acquainted with his years of apprenticeship in the theatrical world. With this double perspective in mind, our newly undertaken researches have led us to scrutinise a number of neglected sources. The impulses Desprez derived from his long stay in Italy are undisputed, but the years of his youth in Paris, the apprenticeship years in the theatre which to a great extent were combined with architectural studies, were certainly equally decisive for his artistic development. [...]

Groupe de soutien

Read the following of Gilbert Blin's and Rémy-Michel Trotier's article
Young Desprez's years of apprenticeship seen against the background of the wealth of architecture in France during the eighteenth century.

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