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Groupe de Recherche

This site reflects the Académie Desprez's works and their constant evolution

Association Française pour le Rayonnement du Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm

Les Métamorphoses de l'opéra français Cahusac Rameau Le Vau Bonnart Remond de Saint Marc Vigarani
Les Métamorphoses de l'opéra français 08/2006


Groupe de Recherche

Les Métamorphoses de l'opéra français,
since its emergence in the XVIIth century, are numerous and varied.
Beyond the model established by Quinault and Lully which remains a constant reference,
the creative forms explored by their followers have kept on questioning and renewing 
the dramaturgical balance between the elements of the lyrical drama.

Art of synthesis, French opera can not been looked at from single point of view.
Therefore, the members of the Groupe de recherche of Académie Desprez
question the works in their literary, musical and stage elements.

Until the French Revolution, the French model, through its successive forms, has been influencing all Europe. 
The diversity of its effects, in space and time, allows us to understand better its essential components.

Initiated by an investigation about the Théâtre des Enchantements,
the name that Cahusac gave to the "total theatre" project that he developed with Rameau,
the programme « Les Métamorphoses de l'opéra français » explores, questions
and aims at discovering the numerous aspects of French aesthetics.

"Cahusac" study grant
Rameau's operas and their relation to stage
Le Théâtre des enchantements de Monsieur de Cahusac
Gilbert Blin

"Rameau" study grant
Rameau and his lyrical theatre
Rameau en ordre libre : mises et remises de l'oeuvre
Rémy-Michel Trotier

"Le Vau" study grant
Les Tuileries palace and its Theatres
Catalogue d'une collection privée
Patrick Rondeau

"Bonnart" travel grant
Iconography of costumes for Teseo
Alessio Rosati

"Remond de Saint Marc" travel grant
Iconography of props for Teseo
Camille Tanguy

"Vigarani" study grant
Sets and machineries in France in the 1670's
Caleb Wertenbaker

