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Association Française pour le Rayonnement du Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm

Académie Desprez Major trends Grant project Organisation

The Grant Project - page 3/4


Allocation criteria

The Academie Desprez will decide each year how many grants are available and what general programmes the study grants will fit into.

After receiving a project, the criteria that are used for the allocation of a grant are:

  • the project fulfilling the requirements of the following criteria:
    • possibility of an actual realisation
    • pedagogy of the project
    • relation to Drottningholm
    • relation to an XVIIIth century intellectual approach
    • consideration of today's artistic means,
  • the artistic quality of the project,
  • the quality of its presentation,

If several projects are to be considered, the application that is the more related to the life and the works of Desprez will be chosen.


Types of grants

The travel grants are dedicated to stimulate exchanges between France, Sweden and Europe.

The study grants have to be worked out so as to provide the general programmes with studies defined by the Académie Desprez's artistic management.

The realisation grants must, as one can guess, lead to actual achievements that are useful to the Academy's mission.

The candidates may specify what category their request is to be attached to.


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