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Association Française pour le Rayonnement du Théâtre du Château de Drottningholm

Communication 2002 Rosmira fedele 2001 Acting Styles 2000 Gjörwell
Emerging Acting Styles around Voltaire - page 2/5 11/2001


Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th of September

The Académie Desprez directs a workshop about Acting Styles in Voltaire’s Tragedies, with students of the University of Leiden, in order to offer them a practical approach to issues which have arisen through the reconstruction of Voltaire’s theatre. During four afternoons, this practical approach is meant to supplement and enhance theoretical work done on Leiden Theatre history during the university year.

Texts chosen by the Académie Desprez and learned by participants during the summer are extracts from: Le Fanatisme ou Mahomet le Prophète (1742), Sémiramis (1748), L'Orphelin de la Chine (1755), Tancrède (1760), and Olympie (1763).

Dramaturgical analysis reveals a primary aspect of the evolution of acting style: a new presentation of dramatic events and feeling emerges (first session). The workshop shows how declamation was codified almost musically before Lekain's innovations, and proposes a first reading of Voltaire's plays, inherited from the XVIIth century tragedy. Participants experiment the mixing of codified techniques and more "natural" performances (second session). Various ways of connecting the gestures and the declamation are experimented, including freedom in tempi and variety of movements (third session). Participants study the various choices actors made of their costumes (fourth session). Preparation includes work on original documents to lead to selection of costumes for the open doors session (fifth session).

It may be impossible to reconstruct totally the acting style of Voltaire’s favourite actors. We can recognise and acknowledge separate elements only – and display them in systems which are never exactly joined. This last session is a "relevé" of the students experimentation, a subjective lexicon of French Acting Styles emerged around Voltaire.

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